Caso 6544    sin calif  (0 calificaciones) Cía: Costco21/11/07

Boicot internacional a Costco Comercial Mexicana

(Cuernavaca, Morelos, )

Categoría: Tiendas y Comercio / Supermercados

Por:  113180,,
CCCCH Canadian Committee To Combat Crimes Against Humanity

To all concerned with human rights, environmental issues and fighting transnational abuse.
PROMOTION of international boycott vs. Costco and ccm in protest for deteriorating the quality of life in cuernavaca, mexico and the destruction of a universal cultural HERITAGE.

The citizens coalition of the Frente Civico Pro Defensa del Casino de la Selva, Human Rights award of Mexico, Canadian Committee to Combat Crimes against Humanity (CCCCH) in Canada and Social Choice for Social Change: Campaign for a New TIAA-CREF in the United States and Mexico Solidarity Network, demand justice for the destruction of the cultural, historic, and environmental heritage perpetrated by Costco and its partner Comercial Mexicana, market symbols: COST and CCM (Link in order to construct giant warehouses in the center of Cuernavaca.

The damage to the community and the flagrant violation of the law has been recognized by Amnesty International and the High Commission of Human Rights of the UN. The companies deliberately destroyed murals representative of the Mexican culture of the XXth century, a 3000 year old Olmec site and millions of cubic meters of biotic space with centenary trees. As registered by the World Council, on august 21st 2002, Costco promoted the violent incarceration of 33 activists including academics, painters, students and environmentalists. This is an attack on the unalienable right to protest warranted by the UN Declaration of Human Rights signed by Mexico.

The supporting organizations demand that Costco and CCM close its warehouses, constructed by violating Human Rights, without the legal consultation of the community, without the law-requested report on the status of Olmec archeological remains. It is for this reason that the organizations maintain the call to the general public not to purchase in Costco stores or collaborate in any way the corporation. From the lack of response from the CEOs James D. Sinegal and Gonzalez Nova, (responsible for the death of singer Kirsty MacColl) until now, it is evident that the boycott could last several years. We request that the boycott be maintained until the company abandons its operation in the center of Cuernavaca with a reparation of the damages. We call for international solidarity to inform the public and promoting this boycott among other organizations. At this point, we would be grateful if you would add the NO TO Costco phrase or icon with a link to our site on your web pages which you can find at the URL: If you are interested in participating more actively launching your own actions or would like more information please contact:
Background information: Multinational Costco destroying Latin American history Link Costco's Big-Box Political Clout By Steven Greenhut (*)
The Orange County Register Link
Mexico Solidarity Network A Coalition of over 80 organizations struggling for human rights, economic justice and democracy in the United States and Mexico. Dec. 15: Join the TRI-NATIONAL BOYCOTT to Costco Costco destroys... the environment, art, local business and labor rights in Mexico. Link
Mexico Solidarity Network A Coalition of over 80 organizations struggling for human rights, economic justice and democracy in in the United States and Mexico. Dec. 15: Join the TRI-NATIONAL BOYCOTT to Costco Costco destroys... the environment, art, local business and labor rights in Mexico. Link Terra / Cultura Costco Started tilling in the Casino de la Selva Link (Translated from Spanish)
Destroyed Murals: Link
Death of Kirsty MacColl by CEO Costco Mexico: Link
NO mega /cm, no wmart - no Costco - no a la violencia!!
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