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Universidad Da VInci nohay clases, solo te asignan lecturas

Universidad Da VInci
Me gustaria compartir mi experiencia. Me inscribí pues el programa de mi interés pertenece al programa de Calidad de Conavyt, tristemente descubro que eso no te da ninguna garantía, y no por que los contenidos no estén bien diseñados o la plataforma no sea amigable, permiteme describir la dinámica.

Al inscribirte te dan acceso a una plataforma donde encuentras los cursos divididos en 10 unidades, para cada unidad hay que leer una infinidad de páginas semanales, participar en foros desarrollando diversas temáticas basadas en las lecturas y contestar un examen de 10 preguntas (con tal cantidad de lectura, es buscar una aguja en un pajar), sin embargo no es eso lo que me molesta, si no que le llaman a su modelo APRENDIZAJE AUTÓNOMO, más bien le llamaría autodidacta, pues asignar mil lecturas no hace a una universidad. En Udavinci no existen las clases, te asignan un facilitador, que francamente no desempeña ningun a labor docente, cuando se les llega a ver (2 veces al trimestre) solo es para darte lineamientos de las entregas.

Así que, francamente desepcionante

final project instructions: writing
This project consists of two sections:

SECTION I Process writing: a short essay

Instructions: Write a 1500-word essay that answers the following questions:
What is process writing? Is the process approach sufficient to produce competent writers? Is the approach appropriate for beginners as well as more advanced learners?
Taken from Richards & Renandya (2002, p. 305)

When writing your essay, be sure:
 to review compulsory and additional materials included in the course (units 8 and 9)
 that your essay is supported with evidence from a variety of sources (at least 5)
 that your essay provides evidence of critical analysis and interpretation
 to properly cite the authors or researchers you take information from (both within your essay and in a references section)
 to avoid plagiarism (see course program section)

SECTION II: Planning, implementing and evaluating (reflecting on) a writing lesson

Instructions: Plan a 'process + genre' writing lesson for a group of students you are familiar with. Implement the lesson and film it. Watch your lesson and reflect on it.

Part I Lesson Planning
- Write the lesson plan. The plan format may vary but lesson components such as students’ level, main and subsidiary aims, procedures, timing, interaction patterns, teaching aids and materials needed, and assumptions made must be clearly described.
- Include all the materials to be used.
- Do NOT take your lesson activities from an ESL textbook. You may take ideas from books but nothing else.

Part II Lesson Implementation
Once you have planned your lesson:
- Implement your lesson and film it. Upload the video recording to a YouTube account and include the link to the video here. Note: if you do not have a YouTube account, create one.
- Two very important points to consider regarding lesson implementation:
1) Ethical issues: you should ask the school principal or the corresponding school authorities for permission to carry out your project. Consequently, it is implied that you should comply with the school policies so as to be able to record your lesson (e.g. ask your students -or their parents if students are under 18- for permission to record them; inform students the purpose of recording the lesson, etc).
It is essential that you take these ethical issues into consideration even though your school authorities do not ask you to comply with them. The bottom line is that if you make a video (or videos) of your lesson(s), is because you were given permission to make them.
2) Privacy issues: When uploading the video recording of your lesson to a YouTube account make sure to check the privacy settings. Do not make videos public so as to protect yourself and your students’ privacy.

Part III: Lesson Reflection
Once you have implemented your lesson:
- Watch the recording of your lesson and reflect on it.
- Video record a 3–minute reflection of your lesson. Upload your reflection to a YouTube account and include the link to the video here.
- The following questions may help you to reflect on your lesson.
Questions about your teaching:
1. What did you set out to teach?
2. Were you able to accomplish your goals?
3. What teaching materials did you use? How effective were they?
4. What techniques did you use?
5. What grouping arrangements did you use?
6. Was your lesson teacher dominated?
7. What kind of teacher-student interaction occurred?
8. Did anything amusing or unusual occur?
9. Did you have any problems with the lesson?
10. Did you do anything differently than usual?
11. What kinds of decision making did you employ?
12. Did you depart from your lesson plan? If so, why? Did the changes make things better or worse?
13. What was the main accomplishment of the lesson?
14. Which parts of the lesson were most successful?
15. Which parts of the lesson were least successful?
16. Would you teach the lesson differently if you taught it again?
17. Was your philosophy of teaching reflected in the lesson?
18. Did you discover anything new about your teaching?
19. What changes do you think you should make in your teaching?
Based on Richards, J.C & Lockhart, C. (1994) Reflective Teaching in Second Language Classrooms.

 The total word number for this project is between 2500 and 3000.
 To complete this project you must make use of all the resources available in the course (compulsory and additional materials, web links, PowerPoint presentations, etc.). In addition, you may need to do some research on your own (if considered necessary).
 If the project entails involving other people (e.g. recording students during a lesson) you need to comply with certain ethical practices (i.e. to have authorization to record lessons).
 Incomplete projects will NOT be graded.

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